初夏邂逅这些高级艺术珠宝 是日美好事物

界面新闻记者 | 方馨宇

界面新闻编辑 | 黄姗

CINDY CHAO艺术珠宝重磅推出20周年系列

博物馆典藏级珠宝品牌CINDY CHAO艺术珠宝在北京国贸商城呈现“廿载拓界艺术启新”20周年系列巡回展北京站限时展,首次以“移动的博物馆”的形式公开亮相大型商业综合体,将艺术与传统零售业态进行有机拓界。


此次,Cindy Chao特别选择品牌经典的四季系列作为20周年系列新作的核心系列,以经典且极具辨识度的叶片元素为灵感进行延伸,创作出多件长叶胸针作品,打破了人们对于生命力的固有认知,更加着眼于生命张力的表达。






Tiffany & Co.蒂芙尼再度推出五款全新让·史隆伯杰高级珠宝系列Rainbow Bird on a Rock彩虹“石上鸟”作品,以一系列璀璨钻石与彩色宝石,创新演绎品牌传奇设计师让·史隆伯杰(Jean Schlumberger)的经典“石上鸟”胸针。


其中一款镶嵌一颗重逾100克拉海蓝宝石的Rainbow Bird on a Rock彩虹“石上鸟”胸针,从典藏设计中汲取灵感,采用微颤工艺镶嵌一颗水滴形绿松石。







除了Boucheron宝诗龙Quatre,Serpent Bohème及Jack de Boucheron等经典系列珠宝佳作外,全新精品店还将同步呈现Animaux和Nature系列珠宝臻品,尽显世家工匠的卓越工艺与革新创艺。




---《哢春声》 嘶嘶与帆

Water fills in the pond in spring.The grass grows in spring.People enjoy wine in spring.

Spring is coming, the birds are chirping.

——The Spring

「AURORA DESIGN」此次接到的是一个旧式居民楼改造,项目坐落在昆明市中心的老街区,毗邻立体停车场、旧式民居和小吃街。场地周边的复杂环境让项目变得有趣,新旧相交的张力将空间的生命延续,“春天”随时发SHENG。

AURORA DESIGN has received a renovation project for an old residential building located in an old neighborhood in the center of Kunming, adjacent to a multi-story parking lot and a snack street. The complex surrounding environment, the tension between the new and old, makes the project more interesting. “Spring” are easily expected to blossom at any time.


▲ before

▲ 项目改造过程

▲ after


「春生珠宝」是一家由95后开启的新生代艺术珠宝店,致力于高品质的宝石原创设计,设计凸显自然美感。品牌搭建了属于自己的制作工厂, 真正从源头把控每一个作品的小细节。从设计到成品,每个步骤都由经验丰富的匠人师傅全手工制作,是独特创意与卓越技艺的融合。 主理人以温柔的视角注入,将自然美与艺术生活方式的理念跨界融合在珠宝设计中,打造有温度、富生命力和原创性的珠宝品牌。


Chunsheng Jewelry is a new generation art jewelry store opened by post-95s, dedicated to high-quality original gemstone designs that highlight natural beauty. The brand has built its own production factory, truly controlling the small details of every work from the source. From design to finished product, each step is handmade by experienced craftsmen, which is a fusion of unique creativity and excellent skills.

The young owner integrates the concepts of natural beauty and artistic lifestyle into the jewelry design, creating an original brand with warmth and vitality. After exploring the local culture, the interior design brings the "spring" into shape with the proper introduction of light. Following the expression of the brand, the unique charming of the “Spring City” has been generated.


▲ 点击查看「春生珠宝」视频



The orgin frame of this three-layer building remain unchanged to harmonize with the surroundings.

Inside, however, a new airy and open space was created by dividing the space into a series of modular sections and removing the load-bearing walls in the original structure. On the south side, an extended terrace and outdoor display space have introduced more natural light in, which allows the previously enclosed environment to connect with nature. Through the influx of light, the essence of spring is evoked, and the passage of time is captured in the playful movements of the light.

两面透光而亮的玻璃移门,将惬意交给日光,随光的影子步入室内, 它攀上石岩,蔓生出细密的枝条,当春发生;它越过木石,氤氲出茶香四溢,收拢春息。

Sunlight filters in through the glass doors on two sides, bringing the energy of spring into the interior space. It climbs up the stone ledges, delicate branches sprout and bloom as spring arrives; It reaches beyond the wood and stone, the fragrance of tea permeates the air, gently enveloping the essence of spring.

由大型的艺术装置导入内部空间,让参观者在初入空间时就能感受整体的氛围,轻松而惬意,如沐春风,犹闻花香。 装置灵感来自于旷野的大自然,盘根错节的植物根系。这些天然的元素被柔软地包裹着,蔓延着 转身而过,木质吧台温柔的栖息在你的周身,这里不止售出石头的艺术也贩卖美味的典藏。

A large-scale art installation act as an introduction of the interior space, allowing visitors to immediately experience the overall vibe as they enter - relaxed and comfortable, like bathing in spring breezes and catching the fragrance of flowers.The installation is inspired by the wild nature and the intricate root systems of plants. These natural elements are gently enveloped and spread throughout the space.As you turn around, a wooden bar counter gently embraces you. This is a space not just sells artistic jewelry.

主理人最初只是想给看珠宝的客人提供一个舒适的空间,由此而将茶饮+办公室 的概念植入空间,这个灵感却在春日的烂漫中生根发芽,转而成为空间中不可或缺的所得。原木与枝丫交接、光影在山石间跳跃,春风送来茶香袅袅,感官流动,关于“春”的思绪婉转。

The initial intention was providing a comfortable space for customers as much as possible. Thus, an office with tea area was inspired. Now, it has became an integral, indispensable part of the space. Wood intersects with branch, as light and shadow dance across the stone. Spring breezes carry the gentle fragrance of tea, allowing any thoughts about spring meander around the room.


The staggered overlapping triangle area on the other side breaks the fluid dynamism and unbridled spirit within the space, resembling an insect awaking from the hibernation.

不规则的天花造型和克制的灯光运用刻写出沉稳而静谧的时光气息。富于雕塑感的墙面造型 ,时而曲折锋利,时而规则理性,就像珠宝匠人们手中的刀具切割,设计师将其用于空间形态的刻画中,引导参观者的感官认知。

Flickering light dances across meticulously sculpted gems and jewels where the magic of the spring and infinite time was showed. The irregularly shaped ceiling and the restrained lighting create an atmosphere of tranquil. Time was settled. The wall with alternating curves and sharp edges generate a feeling of sculpture. The shape echoes the tools jeweler used to carve gems. The designers have employed the same technique to sculpt the spatial forms for guiding the visitors' sensory experience.


As the daylight crosses the midday and slowly climbs up the cloud, the warm, white micro-cement finish captures the whispers of light as it travels, playfully weaving between the recessed and smooth surfaces. Pausing in the rest areas, it murmurs the faint breath of time.


A cozy and comfortable ambience created by marble flooring and wooden furniture will come to you when you push open the wooden door.


空间中的木质家具来自AURORA DESIGN 艾洛设计的自主原创设计,融合功能实用性和设计感。木头温润的质感,与其他“自然感”材质的结合,带给空间松弛的状态。

The combinations of warm white, light wood and dark wood colors are like the different tones in a chorus that reveals the different stages in spring: the patter of early spring, the chirping of birds in mid-spring and the falling flowers in late spring.

The wooden furniture in the space, originally designed by AURORA DESIGN, seamlessly integrates functionality with aesthetic appeal. The warm texture of the wood, combined with other natural materials, imbues the space with a sense of relaxation.


The designer first deconstructed the space based on workflow and take the advantage of color patterns to creatively express the function of the space.

The customized “jewelry room” on the north side is a place special designed for customers to achieve their own whimsical ideas, letting their thoughts germinate-grow-bloom-fruit. Experiencing the carving firsthand feels like stepping into a flowing feast of spring. This is like a treasure trove of creativity, with inspiration shining in every corner and each piece of work having a unique meaning.The alternating movement of glittering light achieves a muti-space where the brand awareness, natural aesthetics and original attributes, are continued. In this way, a unique brand character identity was qualified.



Through the work area, a sense of greenery pours down. The designer retained the plants of the original site and moved some plants on the west side to the terrace, creating a 'natural moment' in the workplace, a perfect area for mind-calming. The gray space, a wooden installation adjacent to the plant, overlapped through multiple geometric forms functioned as a connection of outside and inside. Camera lens are allowed to explore the space from the inside, which keeps and records the images of spring, meanwhile, the inquisitive gaze of the pedestrians from the outside sparks the beautiful imagination about spring.


The staircase connecting the second and third floors, with its restrained colour palette paired with minimalist geometric shapes, amplifies the balanced of the space and the feeling continues all the way to the third floor, which was mainly used as an office space and a VIP space.



A plenty of rectangular windows was largely used in the design to introduce more natural light.

The skylight on the top of the office, bright but focused light meets the demand of jewelry identification; the white and bright light in the floating window bring the landscape in; the large glass blocks on the south side make the mid-day sunlight more warm and gentle; and the side window on the west side, with its secretive and gentle light, protect the privacy of the studio in its entirety. The design has made a complete construction of the environment by adjusting the intensity of the light. Functional areas are separated by cork grilles to ensure spatial continuity and sight communication, so that the tone of the entire space remains unified.



In the color choosing of the whole project, the designer takes the characteristics of the neighbourhood into consideration therefore express the color in the simplest way.The facade is mainly white, highlighting its harmonious coexistence with surroundings. The presentation of light and shadow is also a priority for consideration, using white as the undertone to set off the original beauty of light and shadow. As for the interior, the overall colour expression is centred on the jewelry with a large number of warm and neutral colors are added to underline the spatial theme of balance, warmth and calmness.


As for the interior, the overall colour expression is centred on the jewelry with a large number of warm and neutral colors are added to underline the spatial theme of balance, warmth and calmness.

「AURORA DESIGN」基于对周边文脉的探索,将个性化的表达融入城市肌理,用简约的色彩关系阐述品牌构想,以光影的多维探索来表达品牌温度。


Based on the exploration of local culture, Aurora Design integrates personalized expression into the urban texture, elaborating the brand concept with simple colors, expressing the tone of brand with multi-dimensional exploration of light and shadow. Aurora Design strives for cross-border integration in the discourse of architecture and urbanization. It skillfully plays with light and dark tones, interchanging space and image, enabling nature to flourish in form and reside within heart. The innovative lifestyle of embracing spring and enjoying tea is conveyed through the warm light, along with the original brand spirit of the Essence of Jade and Gem.


Project Name: CHUNSHENG


Location: Kunming City, Yunnan Province


Area: 300㎡




Chief Designer: Yang Xuewan


灯光设计 | Uniimport 元入科技

Lighting design: Uniimport


Design Time: 2023.8


Completion Time: 2023.12


Construction: Rebuilding Space Lab


Website: www.aurora22design.com

项目摄影师:言隅 纳信

Photography: Na Xin from INSPACE





















